The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Voter registration offered

Oak Parkers planning to vote in the April 4 Consolidated Municipal Election can register from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. Voter registration also is offered at Oak Park Township, 105 S. Oak Park Ave., call 708.383.8005 or email for details. In addition, the main Oak Park Library, 834 Lake St., offers limited registration services — call 708.383.8200 for more information. Two types of identification are required to register to vote, at least one with the current address. March 7 is the last day for in-person voter registration. Anyone who will be 18 by April 4 also can register now. For more information on local voter registration, call 708.358.5670 or email