The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Village Board adopts comprehensive plan

A plan that will help guide land use, policy discussions and capital improvements for Oak Park has been adopted by the Village Board.

The comprehensive plan, entitled Envision Oak Park, represents the culmination of two years of work through an active public process that included nearly 75 workshops, interviews and meetings with residents, neighbors, business operators, students and community leaders.

The final plan embraces five, key guiding principles — diversity, urban sustainability, respect for history and legacy, collaboration and cooperation, and thriving neighborhoods.

Residents are urged to review the plan, the first update since 1990. Envision Oak Park can be reviewed on this website, in-person at Village Hall, 123 Madison St., and at the Main Oak Park Library, 834 Lake St.

Comprehensive Plan document cover with link to website