The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Immunization encouraged as fall approaches

With school back in session, flu season approaching and indoor gatherings increasing, local public health officials are reminding residents about annual immunizations that can help keep our community as healthy as possible. 

Flu shots…Flu shots are recommended for everyone older than six months. Flu vaccine is offered at numerous commercial pharmacies, grocery stores and other retail sites in the Oak Park area. Most of these sites accept private insurance and Medicare Part B to help cover the cost of the flu shot. Many sites will vaccinate children as young as 18 months. Residents can email or call 708.358.5480 with questions about access to an affordable flu shot. For more information from the CDC about the flu vaccine and preventing seasonal flu, visit

COVID-19 information…Find the latest information about COVID immunizations, booster shots and clinics hosted by the Public Health Department on the Village website at Anyone needing assistance finding a COVID shot or test is encouraged to contact the Health Department at or 708.358.5480. 

Back-to-school vaccines…Let’s catch up! If your child or children have fallen off their routine immunization schedule required for school, now is the time to get back on track. Routine immunizations are a great tool to keep kids healthy, in school and ready to learn. If you need to know which immunizations are required for your child or need assistance accessing vaccines, reach out to or call 708.358.5480.